Compliance is an integral part of RKW. The company’s governing bodies, the management team and each individual employee of RKW Group are responsible for complying with all relevant laws and policies, and should serve as role models. The commitment to compliance is part of RKW 's core understanding and strategy. 

RKW has adopted the Code of Conduct of the German Association of the Plastics Converters (GKV). The GKV Code of Conduct integrates compliance requirements as well as ethical and social principles. This includes not only fundamental rules against corruption and agreements contrary to anti-trust law, but also international requirements such as the UN Human Rights Charter and recognised ethical principles. All employees and managers are obligated to adhere to the principles of business conduct provided in the GKV Code of Conduct.

RKW demands from its business partners pledge to respect the GKV Code of Conduct or to observe a comparable Code of Conduct.

GKV Code of Conduct can be viewed here.

As part of our commitment to transparency and accountability, we have established a Compliance Portal. This system is designed to allow anyone, including employees and third-party stakeholders, to raise concerns about any unethical or illegal activities that they may observe in our company or in relation to our company.

We understand the importance of ensuring that our company operates with integrity at all times, and we believe that the Compliance Portal will aid us in achieving this goal. Any concerns that are raised through the portal will be thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions will be taken to address any identified issues.

Your report may be submitted confidentially or anonymously, and we will take steps to ensure that those who use the system are not subject to retaliation of any kind.

Compliance Portal


As an internationally operating company, RKW Group is aware of its responsibility to respect human rights. We are therefore committed to respecting human rights within our own business activities and to working towards preventing risks and ending violations in our global supply and value chain.

In doing so, we align our corporate actions with the internationally recognized Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights of the United Nations. We have implemented the requirements of the National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights applicable in Germany as well as the Supply Chain Act.

Our Human Rights Declaration on the implementation of due diligence according to § 6.2 of the German Supply Chain Act and our Supplier Code of Conduct are available here:

Download Human Rights Declaration Go to Supplier Code of Conduct