Climate Protection at RKW
There can be no sustainability without climate protection, because it is an essential basis for a world in which future generations can still live carefree and operate successfully. The use of electricity from renewable energy sources and the continuous improvement of the energy efficiency of our production are only the first steps on our way to actively address the issue of decarbonization. We are committed to take responsibility and to make an active contribution to climate protection. Because only consistent action will keep our planet livable.
Lea Voß, Head of Sustainability

Renewable energies and energy efficiency
As an energy-intensive company, we consistently use electricity from renewable sources such as wind, solar and hydropower – wherever this is economically viable and technically possible. In addition we also continued to optimize our energy efficiency in 2023. The manufacturing of plastic products is an energy-intensive process. It is therefore crucial to constantly monitor and analyze the consumption of electricity, natural gas and other energy sources to identify potential savings. With the help of a group-wide energy management system, it has been possible to leverage this potential and at the same time establish best practices.
Climate Protection
Coping climate change and the negative effects of wasting resources are the greatest challenges facing society today. As an energy-intensive plastics processing company, we are aware of our special responsibility and know what contribution we can make to mitigate climate change and improving the circular economy. We address the challenges to which we can make a direct contribution. The key words “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle“ and the active support of the Circular Economy are of particular importance in our company.

Water withdrawal
Responsible and economical use of water is a high priority at all our sites. The majority of the annual demand is used as cooling water for the extrusion lines, for steam generation, as washing water for our recycling plants and as sanitary water. Most of the water used comes from the municipal water supply, and another part (mainly for cooling) is taken from groundwater.
Further information is available in our current Sustainability Report.