RKW shows worldwide commitment in difficult times


Mannheim, Germany, December 20, 2021 – The RKW Group sees itself as part of the community and embraces thus its social responsibility. Around the world, the company and its employees contribute to charitable organizations and activities. At the end of the year, donations traditionally follow instead of Christmas gifts.

Social commitment is part of RKW's self-image. The company and its employees have already emphasized this in their sustainability campaign. The situation is no different at Christmas time when it comes to donations. RKW locations worldwide decide independently to whom they donate – in most cases, local social institutions are the focus.

For example, RKW in Nordhorn donates to the local Lebenshilfe charity. Since 1963, the organization has continuously expanded its work for people with disabilities and their families. The donations are used to fund important projects.

Support for children with rare diseases

The company's headquarters in Mannheim makes a donation to the Care-for-Rare Foundation. Care-for-Rare is an international organization that supports children with rare diseases and gives them hope for a cure all over the world – regardless of their background or financial means. It is precisely such diseases that are not the focus of public fundraising campaigns, nor are large research budgets allocated to them; the treatment and care of those affected is often all the more difficult.

The French site RKW Castelletta supports "TFA Répit" - an organization that finances recreational stays for families with autistic children.

RKW Hyplast in Hoogstraten (Belgium) donates to three different local organizations:

Vzw Mekanders Woonhuis HoogMark in Hoogstraten supports people with mental disabilities in living and housing. CAW (Centrum Algemeen Welzijnswerk) helps people with all questions and problems related to social welfare; and De kleine strijders ("the little warriors") is an organization that supports families with sick and long-term sick children. It organizes projects that make the stay and care more pleasant for the little patients and their families.

For better education and medical care

The Chinese site RKW Guangzhou supports an elementary school in Guangdong province. The site helps the school by providing writing materials for its pupils. In addition, the site donates to the "A dream come true" initiative in the neighboring Huangpu district, which helps children from poor backgrounds to fulfill their dreams.

RKW Vietnam's Christmas donation supports the "Breathe Again Vietnam" campaign. All donations will be used to purchase European medical supplies and equipment for hospitals and medical centers in the areas of the country most affected by COVID-19.